So what is “holistic sexuality”, anyway?

Rather than try to explain it ourselves (this is new ground for us too!), we did an interview with Reiki Master Nathaly Granja who will be facilitating our upcoming workshop, Holistic Sexuality and the Sacral Chakra.  We asked her to tell us more about  what it is that she does, how Reiki works, and whether it might be for you.

The “TL DR” summary: The path to getting in tune with and feeling empowered in your body can look very similar no matter where you’re starting from, whether you’re focusing on energy and working with a Reiki Master, or you’re thinking about your sexual pleasure and seeking more information about your body and toys to help you learn your body better. Both approaches require you to invest time and attention in yourself.

Lotus Blooms: Let’s start with the basics, what exactly is Reiki?

Nathaly Granja: Reiki is the Japanese word for ‘Universal Life Force Energy”. It is a very subtle form of energy healing. I like to refer to Reiki as a massage for your energy body.

LB: Ok, so there is some touch involved in a typical Reiki session, you’ll have to tell us more about that.  But first, what would make someone seek out a session?

NG: Well, we know that everything is made up of energy.  We also know that fear, stress, sadness, anger, and trauma can be stored in our body. A Reiki session moves energy through the body and begins to align the energy centers also known as chakras.

LB: What does it feel like?

NG: Clients have super cool experiences anywhere from a sense of release, to closure, to an understanding or awareness. Most of all, everyone feels relaxation.

LB: Tell us more about what a typical session looks like.

NG: Sure!  So, in a session we go over what brought them in and what might be going on in their life. I like to start off my sessions with pulling a few oracle cards as a reflection and visual representation of what my client might be experiencing. It can indicate blind spots and oversights in our feelings or thoughts. The client then lies down on a comfy massage table and I lay crystals on their 7 chakras.

LB: Tell us more about the crystals!

NG:  Not every Reiki practitioner uses cards or crystals, but I think they add so much value to my clients! Crystals have their own vibration and help expedite the process of healing.

LB: Ok, back to the session, then what?

NG: I then place my hands on each chakra (and any place that my client is experiencing discomfort) and allow the Reiki energy to flow through me and into the client. The session feels deeply meditative and restoring. I often diffuse essential oils to also create an aromatic healing.

LB: Oh wow, so your sessions really incorporate all the senses.  That’s what you mean when you say “holistic.” Ok, can you explain chakras a little more?  Are they physical parts of your body or something else?

NG: In short, chakras are energy centers that our bodies have.  You can get more in tune to the different energy centers by bringing awareness to the seven different points in your body where the energy centers (chakras) exist.

In the workshop, we’ll specifically be focusing on the second, or the “Sacral Chakra.” It is the center of sexuality, sensuality, creativity, and feminine empowerment.  And it processes the energies related to these things. The sacral chakra is below the belly button and above your root chakra (which is located around the genitals).

LB: Can you feel the chakras? Or how do you know you’ve found them?

NG: The “unblocking” of a chakra can feel like a major release.  This can look like deep breaths, tears, or a subtle sigh. It’s not common that unblocking feels painful, but it may bring up some feelings you were storing away, so it might be emotional. The process is empowering when you choose to disempower what is no longer serving you.

LB: Sounds helpful!  All right, in the workshop description, what does it mean when you say “operate out of [a place of] alignment”?

NG: When your chakras are balanced and aligned, it means you are able to access all the beautiful attributes of our power centers. We feel safe in our bodies and homes, we are in touch with our creativity and express our sensuality in a fulfilling way. We feel confident and trust ourselves. We feel as though we can speak our truth and express ourselves in a healthy manner. We can tap into our gut feeling and trust the signs and messages in our life. We feel like we are living our purpose and own our value.

LB: All that sounds lovely and beneficial to all aspects of our life. How does one get to that point?

NG: One way is to create a kind of sacred ceremony for your sensuality.  It looks different for everybody but it can be as minimal or as luxurious as you want it to be. The point is to be intentional. It can be anything from waking up and doing a 7 minute meditation where you connect with your sacral space. It can be looking in the mirror naked and telling yourself all the beautiful things you see.  It is about creating time to purposefully connect with the divinity that is stored within you. The more you create that sacred space, the more you access and unleash an unlimited amount of creativity, sensuality and self love.

LB: We LOVE that!  Ok, so that’s doable for anyone! For some reason we assumed it was much less… tangible. But really, it just takes being intentional and focusing a bit of time and, well, energy on yourself.   Last question, what if people aren’t sure energy work is right for them, what would you say?

NG: If any of this has stirred up curiosity, allow it to be a sign that there is something here for you to take away.  This workshop is great for anyone who has been searching for or is already on the journey of mindfulness, empowerment, and tapping into the divine within them. This work can be fun and life changing. Why not give it a try?  If you have any questions or want to learn more about Reiki, feel free to check out my website.

Thanks to Nathaly for her time answering our (and hopefully your!) questions. You can read more about our upcoming workshop and about Nathaly, and buy tickets, at the Holistic Sexuality and the Sacral Chakra Eventbrite page.

If you’re interested in more of these types of sexual energy work events, please drop us a line or a comment and let us know!


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